April 3 and 4, 2024 - NJ Site Remediation Conference
Wednesday, April 03, 2024, 8:30 AM to Thursday, April 04, 2024, 4:00 PM EST
Category: Continuing Education Course
![]() 2024 New Jersey Site Remediation ConferenceRegister NowNJ LSRPA’s power-packed New Jersey Site Remediation Conference (NJSRC) is returning to the Hyatt Regency in New Brunswick on April 3rd and 4th, 2024! The LSRPA recognizes that continued education is an essential component for ALL environmental practitioners. Our extensive course offerings provide valuable education and credits for professional license renewals, including LSRP, Attorney, Professional Engineering, and Professional Geology. Here is some of what's new for 2024:
Location:Hyatt New Brunswick Click here for the link to book your room at Conference rates. Here's How It Works:You sign up for the two-day conference pass (this is a must). Then, you have the option of adding courses to your registration (see the course fees for each course). Highlights of What the Two-Day Conference Pass Includes:
Cost for Two-Day Conference Pass:
Exhibiting and Specialty Sponsorship Opportunities:
Schedule at a Glance:To assist you in selecting your courses, click here for the most current version of the Schedule at a Glance → Schedule at a Glance Courses:Wednesday, April 3rd Courses: Ethics for Site Remediation Professionals (9:00am - 12:15pm) Professionalism and ethics are the bedrock of the LSRP program, with LSRPs bound to a Code of Conduct with the paramount mandate to protect human health and the environment. This interactive LSRP Ethics course explores these topics from the LSRP and environmental practitioner perspective, with a focus on the common conflicts and pitfalls, the Licensing Board rules versus the Code of Conduct, and recent enforcement actions and decisions. Bring your questions and conundrums for consideration by our experienced panel of instructors and your peers. Credits: 3.0 Ethics (LSRPs), 3.0 CPCs, 3.6 CLEs*, and 3.0 NYPDHs - NJSRPLB # 2018-082 Instructors: Marlene Lindhardt, Lawra Dodge, Allison Gabala and Sonya Ward (Moderator) Course Fee: Members (with credits $140 | without credits** $90) and Non-Members (with credits $240 | without credits** $140) *This program is pending approval by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 3.6 hours of total CLE credit. ☞ Calculating Alternative Remediation Standards for the Ingestion-Dermal and Inhalation Exposure Routes (10:00am - 12:00pm)
Credits: 0.5 Regulatory and 1.5 Technical (LSRPs), 2.0 CPCs, 2.4 CLEs*, and 2.0 NYPDHs - NJSRPLB # 2023-047 Instructors: Benjamin Zee and Kevin Long Course Fee: Members (with credits $110 | without credits** $60) and Non-Members (with credits $210 | without credits** $110) *This program is pending approval by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 2.4 hours of total CLE credit. ☞ Regulatory Compliance Strategies for Tentatively Identified Compounds (1:30pm - 3:00pm)
Credits: 1.5 Regulatory (LSRPs), 1.5 CPCs, 1.8 CLEs*, and 1.5 NYPDHs - NJSRPLB # 2023-048 Instructors: Mark Fisher, Jeff Moore and Candace Baker Course Fee: Members (with credits $85 | without credits** $45) and Non-Members (with credits $155 | without credits** $95) *This program is pending approval by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Course of New Jersey for 1.8 hours of total CLE credit. ☞ Using Artificial Intelligence in Site Remediation (1:30pm - 3:00pm)
Credits: 1.5 Professional Development (LSRPs), 1.5 CPCs, 1.8 CLEs*, and 1.5 NYPDHs - NJSRPLB # 2024-008 Instructors: Heather Demirjian, Inga Caldwell, Justin Kowalkoski and Sara Redding Course Fee: Members (with credits $85 | without credits** $45) and Non-Members (with credits $155 | without credits** $95) *This program is pending approval by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 1.8 hours of total CLE credit. ☞ Understanding and Accounting for Geogenic Contaminants (3:15pm - 5:15pm) Naturally occurring, or geogenic, contaminants are widespread in New Jersey at concentrations above the NJDEP standards. Discerning whether these concentrations are geogenic or anthropogenic is critical for LSRPs and environmental practitioners. This course reviews State-wide groundwater results from the New Jersey Private Well Testing Act as well as public and private soil and rock studies to enhance participants' awareness of geogenic contaminants. Case studies and interactive discussions will develop understanding and practical skills in geogenic contaminant management within the NJDEP regulatory context. Credits: 2.0 Technical (LSRPs), 2.0 CPCs, 2.4 CLEs*, and 2.0 NYPDHs - NJSRPLB # 2024-007 Instructors: Jim Peterson and Steve Spayd Course Fee: Members (with credits $110 | without credits** $60) and Non-Members (with credits $210 | without credits** $110) *This program is pending approval by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 2.4 hours of total CLE credit. ☞ PFAS Updates from Regulators and Practitioners: Challenges of Navigating the Ever-Evolving Landscape (3:15pm - 5:15pm) As practioners, we attempt to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of PFAS. The EPA will provide an overview of the Clean Water Act's Effluent Guidelines Program and PFAS-related rulemakings in addition to EPA's focus on assessing opportunities to limit PFAS discharges from multiple industrial categories. NJDEP will offer a regulatory update on PFAS and information regarding the implications these parameters have on the various NJPDES permitting programs. Information will also be provided on available laboratory methods as well as its challenges. And lastly, practitioners will offer a multi-media regulatory compliance update relative to PFAS. This will include reporting requirements, anticipated changes to permit requirements, and addressing potential sources PFAS for protection of endpoint receptors. In addition, discussion of regulatory challenges working through the NJ remedial process. Case examples will demonstrate the unique challenges and uncertainties of investigating and remediating PFAS in this changing regulatory paradigm. Credits: 1.0 Regulatory and 1.0 Technical (LSRPs), 2.0 CPCs, 2.4 CLEs*, and 2.0 NYPDHs - NJSRPLB # 2024-004 Instructors: Caryn Barnes, Jillian Terhune, Virginia Wong and Susan Rosenwinkle Course Fee: Members (with credits $110 | without credits** $60) and Non-Members (with credits $210 | without credits** $110) *This program is pending approval by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 2.4 hours of total CLE credit. Thursday, April 4th Courses: ☞ Managing Remediation and Environmental Issues in Complex Transactions (9:15am - 11:15am) Large real estate transactions can involve multiple operating facilities at one property with ongoing site remediation and other environmental issues. This course will provide guidance regarding each stage of the transaction process, from early framing and initial environmnetal due diligence, through contract signing and closing. Additional considerations to be discussed will include ISRA compliance, permitting issues, and the various curve balls environmental professionals may encounter in advising on major deals. Credits: 2.0 Professional Development (LSRPs), 2.0 CPCs, 2.4 CLEs*, and 2.0 NYPDHs - NJSRPLB # 2023-057 Instructors: David Miller, Marc Policastro and Alan Arico Course Fee: Members (with credits $110 | without credits** $60) and Non-Members (with credits $210 | without credits** $110) *This program is pending approval by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 2.4 hours of total CLE credit. ☞ Effective Characterization and Application of Injection Based In Situ Methods in Bedrock Key Principles and Case Studies (9:15am - 11:15am) The nature of fractured bedrock makes it a challenging medium to investigate and remediate. Conventional and modern techniques will be reviewed with case studies, including the use of high-density, vertical borehole Remedial Design Characterization through discrete groundwater and rock matrix sampling. Applying this data to existing Conceptual Site Models can refine and sometimes completely refresh the remediation design. Discussion of high-energy injections will also be provided. Credits: 2.0 Technical (LSRPs), 2.0 CPCs, 2.4 CLEs*, and 2.0 NYPDHs - NJSRPLB # 2023-055 Instructors: Jim Peterson, Tim Hull, Bill Brab and Derek Pizarro Course Fee: Members (with credits $110 | without credits** $60) and Non-Members (with credits $210 | without credits** $110) *This program is pending approval by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 2.4 hours of total CLE credit. Navigating Land Use Laws (9:15am - 11:15am) Redevelopment of contaminated properties has brought new life to many areas of New Jersey. However, the intersection between site remediation and site redevelopment can become complex and difficult to navigate. What permits and approvals are needed? How do remediation-focused and redevelopment-focused decisions interact? A LSRP or practitioner with a solid understanding of Land Use Laws and Regulations, of which there are many, will be better equipped to guide clients and the case through to closure. This course will review the complex maze of Land Use Laws and Regulations, necessary permits and approvals, and key remediation and redevelopment decisions through case studies and panel discussion. Credits: 2.0 Regulatory (LSRPs), 2.0 CPCs, 2.4 CLEs*, and 2.0 NYPDHs - NJSRPLB # 2019-084 Instructors: Jeff Entin, Rod Ritchie and Bob Baranowski Course Fee: Members (with credits $110 | without credits** $60) and Non-Members (with credits $210 | without credits** $110) *This program is pending approval by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 2.4 hours of total CLE credit. ☞ The Intersect Between Site Remediation and Renewable Energy Development: What Environmental Practitioners Need to Know (2:00pm - 4:00pm) Interested in gaining insight from industry specialists and legal counsel on renewable energy project development and site remediation? This program delves into the intricacies of the renewable energy industry to provide invaluable insights, strategies, and real-world perspectives, tailored specifically for site remediation professionals and environmental practitioners, empowering you to navigate the complex landscape of renewable energy projects with confidence and expertise. Credits: 2.0 Regulatory (LSRPs), 2.0 CPCs, 2.4 CLEs*, and 2.0 NYPDHs - NJSRPLB # 2024-005 Instructors: Matthew Karmel, Ed Putnam, Caitie Cyrus, Colleen Kokas and Rodger Ferguson Course Fee: Members (with credits $110 | without credits** $60) and Non-Members (with credits $210 | without credits** $110) *This program is pending approval by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 2.4 hours of total CLE credit. ☞ Site Specific Factors to Consider While Selecting an ISCO or an ISCR Approach (2:00pm - 4:00pm) Join us for a comprehensive review, including case studies, of the In-Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) and In-Situ Chemical Reduction (ISCR) technologies, as they pertain to remediation of organic and inorganic compounds in soil and groundwater. Learn to identify which option is best for a site through review of chemistry, geology, hydrogeology, etc. (applicability factors) and kinetics (time frame for remediation). The course will also discuss how these technologies interact with commingled plumes, what field data is needed for design, and the requirements to obtain a NJDEP DGW-PBR Authorization. Credits: 2.0 Technical (LSRPs), 2.0 CPCs, 2.4 CLEs*, and 2.0 NYPDHs - NJSRPLB # 2023-029 Instructors: Fayaz Lakhwala and Matthew Sweet Course Fee: Members (with credits $110 | without credits** $60) and Non-Members (with credits $210 | without credits** $110) *This program is pending approval by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 2.4 hours of total CLE credit. ☞ Perimeter Air Monitoring Technical Guidance Review and Application (2:00pm - 4:00pm) With the recent issuance of NJDEP's new Perimeter Air Monitoring Technical Guidance, this course will provide environmental practitioners an overview of these new requirements. These instructors discuss the development of a Perimeter Air Monitoring Plan, the calculation of the Health-Based Threshold Values (HBTV), and the response levels. There will also be discussion on the implementation of an air monitoring program, response to air exceedances and quality control to ensure that a perimeter air monitoring program provides protection to the public as well as meets the technical and regulatory requirements. Credits: 2.0 Technical (LSRPs), 2.0 CPCs, 2.4 CLEs*, and 2.0 NYPDHs - NJSRPLB # 2024-002 Instructors: Keith Savel, Matthew Decker and Deborah Barsotti Course Fee: Members (with credits $110 | without credits** $60) and Non-Members (with credits $210 | without credits** $110) *This program is pending approval by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 2.4 hours of total CLE credit. **Note: If you register for this course at the “No CEC Certificate” rate, you are not eligible to receive a certificate at a later date. Other Learning Opportunities:NJDEP Topical Presentations on Wednesday, April 3rd from 9:00am to 11:30am - $50 for Credit Certificate (Certificate Fee for Full or Partial CECs) NJSRPLB approval for 1.0 Technical and 1.0 Regulatory LSRP Credits - Approval # 2024-010
NJDEP Meet the Regulators on Wednesday, April 3rd from 12:30pm - 4:00pm (No Credits) Evolving Remediation Topics on Wednesday, April 3rd from 2:00pm - 4:45pm (No Credits)
Important Registration Information Important Note: You cannot use your LSRPA account to register another person. Each person must be registered separately using his or her email address. If you have any questions or difficulties registering, please contact our webmaster, Anne Lazo, at [email protected].
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