New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professionals Association
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June 14 and 15, 2022 - NJ Site Remediation Conference
Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 12:00 PM to Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 5:00 PM EST
Category: Continuing Education Course

2022 New Jersey Site Remediation Conference

Register Now

NJ LSRPA’s power-packed New Jersey Site Remediation Conference (NJSRC) has been rescheduled and will be back at the Hyatt Regency in New Brunswick on June 14-15, 2022!

The NJSRC is the ONLY Conference dedicated to site remediation in New Jersey. Just like past years, the 2022 Conference promises to deliver relevant courses for continuing education credits along with opportunities to network with peers and other industry professionals. There will be communication avenues with other environmental professionals and the opportunity to meet and learn from sponsors and vendors that support Licensed Site Remediation Professionals with specialized services.

When you attend this event, you will experience high-value education and training while having fun and enhancing your relationships with other professionals in your field. Our commitment is to offer you a wonderful opportunity to network with other environmental professionals while providing the convenience of adding Ethics, and Technical and Regulatory LSRP CECs, CLEs or CPCs to your roster for license renewal.


Hyatt New Brunswick
2 Albany Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Here's How It Works:

You sign up for the two-day conference pass (this is a must). Then, you have the option of adding courses to your registration (see the course fees for each course).

What the Two-Day Conference Pass Includes:

  • Complete access to all SPEAKER AND TECHNICAL PRESENTATIONS on June 14 and 15, 2022, held by the best and brightest in the environmental industries.
  • Opportunities to learn about recent ADVANCES, BEST PRACTICES AND PROFESSIONAL JUDGEMENT.
  • Full access to EXHIBITION HALL to learn about the latest products and services for all aspects of the environmental industries.
  • Exclusive MEMBER-ONLY WELCOME RECEPTION on the evening of Tuesday, June 14, 2022 (Free for attendees until June 7th when it will be $45 per person)
  • Conference MEALS to include continental breakfast, luncheon and networking functions.

Cost for Two-Day Conference Pass:

  • LSRPA Members: $135
  • Partner Organizations: $135 with Discount Code - Please see your organization's contact to receive the code.
  • Non-Members: $305

Exhibiting and Specialty Sponsorship Opportunities:

For LSRPA Annual Partners, please contact Marianne Leone at [email protected] to learn more about the Exhibiting Sponsorship opportunities available to your company. For companies interested in Specialty Sponsorships, please click here to learn more.

Schedule at a Glance:

To assist you in selecting your courses, view the Schedule at a Glance here → LSRPA 2022 Conf Course Schedule v7.4.pdf

Tuesday's Courses:

LSRP Ethics (Tuesday, June 14 from 1:00pm - 5:30pm)

In response to feedback from attendees, in 2021, the LSRPA’s Professional Ethics course was revamped to expand to 4 hours to ensure adequate time to review professional ethics, regulatory compliance, and recent Licensing Board decisions. In 2022, we are introducing several new instructors to provide instructional variety and new perspectives/information for the course. This course will explore examples of conduct subject to Site Remediation Professional Licensing Board authority and provide an overview of the administrative, regulatory and technical requirements that cause compliance issues for LSRPs. The course will also provide an up-to-date assessment of Licensing Board decisions, enforcement actions and identify the specific code of conduct items that were most cited within the 12-month period. In addition, the instructors will engage the attendees with "What Would You Do" case scenarios.

Credits: 3 Ethics and 1 Regulatory (LSRPs), 4 CPCs, 4.8 CLEs1 - Course Number 2021-053

Instructors: Mark Heinzelman, Allison Gabala, Marlene Lindhardt, Joanne Vos, Lawra Dodge

Course Fee: LSRPA Member - $170, Non-Member - $270

1This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Course of New Jersey for 4.8 hours of total CLE credit.

Waste Classification and Management for LSRPs (Tuesday, June 14 from 2:30pm - 4:30pm)

What's new in the "waste world" in New Jersey? There is waste on almost every remediation project, even in-situ treatment, and it has a great impact on schedule, cost, compliance and liability. Liability concerns are heightened in the LSRP era with the presence of a license, code of conduct and the Licensing Board. Proper waste classification and management are key to a successful remediation. This course will provide LSRPs and environmental professionals instruction on how to properly identify, classify, treat, dispose of waste material and much more. In addition, recent regulatory developments will be discussed, including the A901 program and the disposal of PFAS-containing wastes.

Credits: 1 Regulatory and 1 Technical (LSRPs), 2 CPCs, 2.4 CLEs2 - Course Number 2019-099

Instructors: Peter Postorino, Keith Savel

Course Fee: LSRPA Member - $110, Non-Member - $210

2This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Course of New Jersey for 2.4 hours of total CLE credit.

Navigating the PFAS Investigation Process and Developing Remedial Alternatives (Tuesday, June 14 from 2:45pm - 5:00pm)

A year after the promulgation of standards for two PFAS compounds, with more standards on the horizon, much has been learned about PFAS. Join us at this 2-hour course to learn from case studies, including commingled plumes and source identification, forensic methods, and more. Remediation of PFAS will also be discussed.

Credits: 2 Technical (LSRPs), 2 CPCs, 2.4 CLEs3 - Course Number 2021-108

Instructors: Erin Palko, Keith Brodock, Michael Martin

Course Fee: LSRPA Member - $110, Non-Member - $210

3This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Course of New Jersey for 2.4 hours of total CLE credit.

Advancing Brownfield Remediation and Redevelopment: Funding, Financing, and Technical Assistance (Tuesday, June 14 from 5:00pm - 6:00pm)

The construction industry is booming in New Jersey - from residential properties to the ubiquitous warehouses! Many of these new constructions are being built on contaminated properties undergoing remediation. New Jersey has several programs to provide technical and financial support to assist in returning blighted properties to productive use. This 1-hour course reviews these programs, along with new tax credits, loan program, grants, and more so that LSRPs can more successfully guide clients through the processes to make their remediation and redevelopment plans as economical as possible.

Credits: 1 Regulatory (LSRPs), 1 CPC, 1.2 CLEs4 - Course Number 2021-101

Instructor: Elizabeth Limbrick

Course Fee: LSRPA Member - $55, Non-Member - $105

4This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Course of New Jersey for 1.2 hours of total CLE credit.

Wednesday's Courses

Environmental Justice: Recent State and Federal Initiatives, Developments and Impacts on Site Remediation (Wednesday, June 15 from 8:00am - 10:00am)

This 2-hour course will summarize recent and upcoming (2022) environmental justice initiatives and developments at the state and federal levels. With instruction from LSRPs and NJDEP staff, the course will highlight the actual and expected effects on environmental professionals. It will focus on the regulatory and technical topics that must be navigated by LSRPs as they address site remediation, including at Brownfield and Community Collaborative Initiative sites.

Credits: 2 Regulatory (LSRPs), 1 CPC, 2.4 CLEs5 - Course Number 2021-103

Instructors: Mark Heinzelman, Allison Gabala, William Lindner, Frederick Shoyer

Course Fee: LSRPA Member - $110, Non-Member - $210

5This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Course of New Jersey for 2.4 hours of total CLE credit.

How In-Situ Thermal Remediation Can Meet Your Remediation Deadlines Quickly and Efficiently (Wednesday, June 15 from 8:00am - 10:00am)

Thermal remediation technologies - Electrical Resistance Heating (ERH), Thermal Conductive Heating (TCH), and Steam Enhanced Extraction (SEE) - can be used to rapidly meet remedial deadlines. This 2-hour course will provide a brief background on thermal technologies, a description of the permitting and reporting process, and will highlight some "Do's and Don’ts" of thermal remedies within the New Jersey site remediation program.

Credits: 2 Technical (LSRPs), 2 CPCs, 2.4 CLEs6 - Course Number 2021-061

Instructors: Gary Angyal, Steffen Griepke

Course Fee: LSRPA Member - $110, Non-Member - $210

6This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Course of New Jersey for 2.4 hours of total CLE credit.

Wetlands and Site Remediation Working Together (Wednesday, June 15 from 1:30pm - 3:00pm)

Ecologically sensitive natural resources, specifically wetlands, will be the focus of this 1.5 hour course. When site remediation and land use requirements intersect, there are additional considerations beyond the typical. This course will discuss approaches to investigation and remediation on and near wetlands, permitting needs, constraints and strategies in these areas.

Credits: 1 Technical and 0.5 Regulatory (LSRPs), 1.5 CPCs, 1.8 CLEs7 - Course Number 2021-144

Instructors: Jeffrey Entin, Robert Rech, Robert Crespi

Course Fee: LSRPA Member - $82.50, Non-Member - $157.50

7This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Course of New Jersey for 1.8 hours of total CLE credit.

Lab Analytics: Data Quality and User Perspective (Wednesday, June 15 from 2:45pm - 5:00pm)

LSRPs and environmental practitioners make data-driven decisions throughout the remediation process. Data quality, integrity and accuracy are vital during decision making. This 2-hour Course will provide insights to how best determine data usability, through a discussion of how site conditions, site matrix, sampling error, and inherent analytical uncertainty impact the results and contribute to analytical bias. A real case study will be featured reviewing a data package from data quality and user perspective. No lab coats required!

Credits: 2 Technical (LSRPs), 2 CPCs - Course Number 2021-100

Instructors: Polly Newbold, Sonya Ward

Course Fee: LSRPA Member - $110, Non-Member - $210

Advancements in Chemical and Biological Remediation Technologies (Wednesday, June 15 from 2:45pm - 5:00pm)

In situ remediation technologies - chemical oxidation (ISCO), chemical reduction (ISCR), and biological remediation - continue to advance. This 2-hour Course outlines the background chemistries associated with using these approaches to remediate organic contaminants. Topics also include the destruction pathways for common organic contaminants (e.g. chlorinated solvents, BTEX, etc.), recent advances in these technologies, and their limitations. Also presented will be case studies of advanced in situ remedial technologies and application methods.

Credits: 2 Technical (LSRPs), 2 CPCs, 2.4 CLEs8- Course Number 2021-093

Instructors: William Moody, Jason McNew, Troy Lizer, Jeff Krohn

Course Fee: LSRPA Member - $110, Non-Member - $210

8This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Course of New Jersey for 2.4 hours of total CLE credit.

Contaminants of Emerging Concern: Updates and Practical Applications of NJDEP's Guidance (Wednesday, June 15 from 3:30pm - 5:00pm)

Contaminants of Emerging Concern present a continual challenge to LSRPs. This 1.5-hour Course will provide a practical guide for addressing Contaminants of Emerging Concern while navigating sites through the Site Remediation Program from evaluation to closure. It will include a detailed discussion of the NJDEP's newly updated Contaminants of Emerging Concern guidance, a review of Frequently Asked Questions, pertinent website information, and case studies with lessons learned.

Credits: 1.5 Regulatory (LSRPs), 1.5 CPCs, 1.8 CLEs9 - Course Number 2021-102

Instructors: Caryn Barnes, Erin Palko

Course Fee: LSRPA Member - $82.50, Non-Member - $157.50

9This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Course of New Jersey for 1.8 hours of total CLE credit.

Investigation and Verification of Off-Site or Unknown Sources (Wednesday, June 15 from 3:30pm - 5:00pm)

In New Jersey, LSRPs often identify contamination that appears to be unrelated to their site. This 1.5-hour course will review the regulatory and technical requirements for the investigation, reporting, and issuance of a Response Action Outcome for off-site/unknown source contamination. Data gathering, challenges and solutions, and options for professional judgement will also be covered in the course.

Credits: 1.5 Technical (LSRPs), 1.5 CPCs - Course Number 2021-145

Instructors: Jeffrey Entin, Dustin Kapson

Course Fee: LSRPA Member - $82.50, Non-Member - $157.50

Technical Presentations - No CECs Offered

Session 1 - Innovative Approaches to Site Characterization (Wednesday, June 15 from 8:30am - 10:00am)
  • Hydrostructural Methods in Bedrock Aquifer Characterization and Remedial Decision Making
  • Real-Time Air Monitoring During Remedial Actions
  • Hidden in Plain Sight - Steel Superstructures as Contaminant Sources
Session 2 - Innovative Approaches to Site Remediation (Wednesday, June 15 from 10:30am - 12:00pm)
  • Innovative and Cost-Effective Site Remediation Technology
  • Observations and Lessons Learned from Laboratory and Field Application of Carbohydrate-Activated Persulfate
  • Finding Injected Amendments and Estimating Radius of Influence of Hydraulic Fracturing
Session 3 - Emergent Contaminants (Wednesday, June 15 from 1:30pm - 3:00pm)
  • Due Diligence and Emerging Contaminants & Brownfield Redevelopment - Can They Co-Exist?
  • A Standardized Model for the Remediation of Mercury-Contaminated Polyurethane Flooring Systems in Educational Facilities
  • The Versatility of Organoclay and Surface Clay for Remediation

NJDEP Topical Presentations (No CECs Offered)

  • Pre-Purchase Administrative Consent Orders (Wednesday, 10:30am)
  • Remediation Time Frames (Wednesday, 11:00am)
  • Financial Assurance (Wednesday, 11:30am)
  • Avoiding Deficient Remedial Action Permit Applications (Wednesday, 1:30pm)
  • Updated RAO Guidance and RAO Issues (Wednesday, 2:00pm)
  • Documenting Professional Judgement (Wednesday, 2:30pm)
  • Receptor Evaluations & Issues and Vapor Intrusion Investigations (Wednesday, 3:30pm)
  • Receptor Evaluations & Issues and Vapor Intrusion Investigations - Continued (Wednesday, 4:00pm)

If you would like to make special arrangements to attend only the Annual Meeting of the LSRPA please email [email protected].

COVID-19 Statement

NJSRC will observe the current NJ state guidance regarding Covid-19 safety which can be found at this link: If you are interested in receiving Covid-19 news from the state of NJ sign up here:
Here is the CDC link:

Important Note: You cannot use your LSRPA account to register another person. Each person must be registered separately using his or her email address. If you have any questions or difficulties registering, please contact our webmaster, Anne Lazo, at [email protected].

Register for the June 14 and 15, 2022 - NJ Site Remediation Conference now.