Perimeter Air Monitoring with AirLogics and LSRPA Aspiring Professionals |
Thursday, October 27, 2022 02:59 PM |
On the evening of 19 October 2022, AirLogics sponsored and hosted an LSPRA Aspiring Professionals event: Understanding the Basics of Perimeter Air Monitoring. AirLogics set up the Oktoberfest-themed event outside of their West Berlin facility, complete with on-theme food, drinks, music and decor. AirLogics presenters Marc Hudock and Bill McClellan discussed the components of an effective PAM program and speculated on what the forthcoming NJDEP PAM guidance document will likely include. They also presented various air-monitoring equipment options that are available through AirLogics that ranged from a basic VOC and dust monitoring set up to a robust system that included a portable gas chromatography unit that provides real-time sampling when alarm conditions are triggered.