Remember that the "P" in LSRP Stands for Professional
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 05:27 PM

NJDEP has asked for the Association’s assistance in getting this word out: In some recent e-mail and telephone calls by LSRPs to  staff of the NJDEP, an unnecessary rift in relations among the Department and LSRPs has been created by the use of  ill-advised language by a few LSRPs in response to requirements set out by the Department for regulatory compliance.

Remember that the “P” in LSRP stands for Professional.  As  professionals, you are expected by this Association and others  to act in a professional manner in all that your do, write, and say. Please note that these written communications are discoverable under the Open Public Records Act and they are in the files reviewed by the Licensing Board as part of random audits conducted by the Professional Conduct Committee. 

Also, we have been advised by the Department that these improper communications will not be tolerated. The Department may investigate these incidents under claims of creating a hostile work environment and take appropriate corrective action.